Monday, September 26, 2011

Which is Better: Volume Website Traffic or Targeted Website Traffic?

Website Traffic is obviously the whole enchilada to the internet being your friend or foe. Creating an award winning website is nothing without the same quality of quantity website visitors. To merely 'build it, and they will come' is not an option.The next biggest question is, which is better; Volume Website Traffic or Targeted Website Traffic?
This depends entirely on whom you ask. Volume website traffic lends itself to visitors who may not otherwise have found you and your products. Targeted website visitors key in on the customers you are seeking that are looking for the products you offer.
Have you ever gone into a shopping mall and just, browsed? Did you see something that caught your eye, other than an attractive person, and you step into that store to look a little closer? That was a perfect example of volume visiting of products. You would have not even considered going to a store to look for the item that just happened to catch your eye. The measurement of how many shoppers purchase on impulse or by sight is very interesting.
Many online sales are created by sparking an interest by a visual occurrence similar to the example mentioned above. Obviously targeted website traffic is valuable to obtain but just how much traffic are you missing by not exposing a general audience to something that may trigger an interest?
In either case, volume or targeted website traffic, it's very important to know how your traffic is being displayed. There are endless websites that offer traffic building for your website, but there are more than not, those offers that claim to give you targeted traffic for X number of dollars and what really happens is your website counter will register hits, when in fact no one ever actually views your website.
When it comes to bargain website traffic deals, it would be wise to ask just how they intend on displaying your traffic. Often times these low priced website traffic offers are actually scamming you. They will embed your website address into the html of a high traffic site and every time that site receives actual visitors, it will also show a hit on your website counter. Pretty dirty trick in anyone's book. That is a good indication that you are not succeeding with any sales.
I would strongly suggest doing a split test with volume website traffic and targeted website traffic to determine which is actually delivering sales to your website.
One of the best ways to gather volume website traffic is to do what so many SEO's and wise webmasters do, they pay close attention to their meta tags to gain higher rankings for their websites. This alone will catapult your website's listing with the search engines. Having your site properly positioned with your meta tags will gain you more volume as well as targeted visitors without costing you a single cent in advertising. To learn more on how to properly set your meta tags visit =>

Jim is an online writer and entrepreneur with some very clever insights on how to gain website traffic without having to pay for it. Check out his latest findings here:

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