Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tips to Increase Free Website Traffic

There are lots of methods to build up your traffic. You should think carefully about the design of your blog or website as this makes a difference. Design is important and if you simply just whack up any old thing you will most likely get any old results. So take the time to think it through and do a thorough jobs. Your efforts will be worth it.
Here are 5 tips you can apply to the design of your website to help generate even more traffic. OK, these ideas are not going to send you millions of visitors, however, they will send you some visitors and traffic is all about adding up all the little pieces which join together to form one big piece. There is a method that we discuss later that does actually send a lot more visitors. So if you are interested in this method check it out after you read these.
So, here we go, 5 tips to help you get better traffic to your site through design.
Free Website Traffic Design Tip 1 - Display Your Name Correctly
As one name websites are limited in supply you will have to choose a longer website name. Ensure you display it so it is memorable.
For example; If you domain name is;
Display it all over your website so it is easier to remember using TITLE case. So it would now look like;
This makes it much easier for people to remember.
Free Website Traffic Design Tip 2 - Subscribe To Mailing List
Add a mailing list subscribe form in a high profile spot on your site. When people visit, if you give them an incentive to sign up - like giving away a free e-book or a cash prize, you will be building your email list and can send out offers on a regular basis.
Free Website Traffic Design Tip 3 - Optimize
Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase. This means before you create a page find the keywords you are going to target. Once you have found them, use them in the text and in the Meta tags to improve their visibility in the search engines.
Free Website Traffic Design Tip 4 - Error Page
Make a custom error page for your website redirecting people to your home page. If you move a webpage or there is a broken link on your page, the last thing you want is people leaving because you never delivered what you promised. So create a standard error page that redirects them to your home page just in case you make some errors on your site.
Free Website Traffic Design Tip 5 - Bookmark
Add a "bookmark this site" link to your web pages. If your site is attractive people will bookmark it. They don't want to lose it. The best thing you can do is make sure they come back easily by allowing them to bookmark the site. Easy to do and very effective.
Design is important for any website. As such, ensure you apply your best design skills to increase your website visitors. These tips above may send the occasional visitor your way. However, if you want to increase your traffic dramatically, there is one method that drives consistent long term traffic everyday.
This method far outweighs the other free methods online so much that all the professionals use it to drive visitors to their site. If you are serious about making money online then you must spend the time checking this out. It will make the difference between a success and a failure.

If you are looking to Increase Website Traffic I can show you the only method that actually gets results. This method is very effective in getting a boost of traffic to your website and if you implement it you will see dramatic results.
If you are serious about getting free traffic to your website you need to consider this technique. If you continue doing what you are doing, your results will be the same which are no doubt, terrible. If you want to change your business online and actually start making money you need traffic. No traffic means no profits.
I can show you how to get a lot of long term free consistent traffic so read further at the link below.

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